Minggu, 25 Maret 2012


My Religion is Christian. This is Jesus. We have a lot of good teachings. Our Holy book is the Bible. Every teachings of Jesus is in the Bible. Every Sunday, we, as Christians, worship Jesus Christ to go to Church. We also believe that at the end of the world, Jesus will come to the Earth the second time to take us to heaven.

This is the Bible. Its First written in the Hebrew language. It is divided into 2 big parts, that is The Old Testament and the New Testament. Old Testament Consist of 39 Books and New Testament consist of 27 books. So, in total, there are 66 Books in the Bible. It is Written by many Writers.
                                                           Old Testament
 This is the old Testament. After divided to two big parts, it is divided to another 5 Parts. The Old Testament is when the Prophets tell about teachings of Jesus.Jesus choose some Prophets and some people so that they can change the world.
                            New Testament
This is the New Testament. It is also divided to some more parts, like the Old Testament. This is when Jesus enter the Earth for the First time, to be crossed for everyone has sinned too much. In the Earth, Jesus did 34 Miracles. After he is crossed, He come back to alive 3 days later and go back to heaven.
                                                            Bible Verse
This is one of the Bible Verse written in the Bible. It is the teaching of Jesus, that means we should not be afraid to die. Dieing is also and advantage that we can go to heaven. And to live is Christ.


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