Minggu, 25 Maret 2012


Christmas is celebrated every year at 25 December around the world. It is the birth of Jesus Christ to the world. He went to Earth so that He can save all people from sin, because of all wrongs people have done. He is born also to tell about God and to do miracles for people, so that they believe in Christianity. At the end, He died in the cross and that day was known as Good Friday. 
Easter is the time when Jesus come back to alive after 3 days from when He is crossed. After Jesus went back to alive, He went back to heaven with His Father. Easter is celebrated every year 3 days after Good Friday.
                              Good Friday
Good Friday symbolize the day when Jesus died for everyone. He sacrificed for all the sins people had done. He suffer and died only to sacrifice for people. It is celebrated every year 3 days before Easter.

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